शनिवार, 5 सितंबर 2015

Happy teacher`s day!

Happy teacher`s day Papa!
Teachers are the most wonderful people of the planet. They are the ones who always give, what all they have, with all their capabilities to the others to make this earth a better place to live in.
It is good when a father is a teacher but it’s really awesome when a teacher is a father.
I`ve now realized why I didn`t miss attending a single day of my school and that is only because of you. Actually you’re the one who never ever missed going to school for teaching students with the dream of making them better human beings. You taught me the importance of attending school to keep learning, to keep growing and to keep improving.
I remember how you taught us the Sanskrit language, how effortlessly you narrated us the old texts of Hindi and Sanskrit, how you never stopped bringing books for three of us to read, how you inspired us to love everyone around and how you taught us to have faith and hope
in everything that happens.

You, as a teacher, have played all the roles of a father- a good listener, a fine encourager, an amazing guide, a friend, a philosopher and what not.
We three feel really proud in saying- yes, our father is a teacher!
We love you!!!! 

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