गुरुवार, 14 अप्रैल 2016

Birthday series (02)- NAVNEET MISHRA!

Happy birthday to the boy from the Bhojhpur land and to the one who managed to switch me into a pure Bihari all because of his own efforts!
For your over-teasing me on not being a graduate by now, for your amazing sense of dressing (not the humor!) and for your Bhai style tailored in Bombay, for making me share my clothes with you and you should be happy knowing the fact that you are the only one with whom I shared my clothes, for taking me for that amazing long ride on bike to my favorite place, for making me feel loved by your unique bihari styles, for having parties on many raw occasions, for asking me to lead your way for becoming SRC, for letting me fall in love with Kumar Vishwas` love poems, for teaching me some dressing sense as I was a fool in that, just take a bow!
And thank you for Aksh and Anshika and furnishing them permanently!
And I do hope that people at the hostel have now started recognizing the face of their SRC member since I`m not there! :P

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