बुधवार, 25 मई 2016

What to Choose- Love OR Food?

This might hurt some but these are personal thoughts. So, apologies.
I once read in one of the Osho quarterly magazines that people become obsessed with food only when they lose the capacity to love. And this statement definitely didn`t come as a shocking one to me. I just read it curiously as I always had some thoughts like this one earlier. All my life I compared myself with others on almost all basis- be it physical, mental, social or academic. This comparison came quite naturally to me but there was one difference that I always noticed- food!
Is this making any sense? It will.
When a baby gets birth, his first contact with the world is the mother`s breast. This is his entry into the world and the breast becomes the symbol for him of two things: food and love. Whenever the mother is loving, her breast is available and whenever the mother is unloving, her breast is not available. Food and love this way become associated. It becomes so unconsciously rooted that you repeat it your whole life.
If the child knows that the mother loves him, he will not drink too much, because he knows, he is secure; whenever he needs the mother her breast will be available. If the child is insecure and feels that next time the mother may not be available, he will start eating too much.
The point is simple. Whenever love is there, there is security and a kind of fulfillment and the child never becomes obsessed with food. If love is not there, there is insecurity, fear, and a kind of emptiness, and the child stuffs that emptiness with food.
For the same reasons, for the people of the West, weight is becoming more and more of a problem as mothers are not ready to give their breasts to their children. There is fear of losing the shape and making the woman look old has gripped the mind of women so deeply that they are afraid to give their breasts to their children. And they are creating an obsession about food in the child unknowingly.
This above was simply copied from the magazine. But it is really close to the heart as I have myself observed this applying it on many and on myself as well. This has helped me to grow as a human being to expand the boundaries of love and share it freely. There is high need to learn the love. And this lack of love is the basic cause of gaining weight. One can lose his/her weight by doing a lot of trainings and going on a strict diet but sooner or later he/she will start gaining weight. The root cause is still there. There is need to tackle the root cause- the lack of love as it is missing somewhere in the life.
But the happy news out of this is that this obsession with food is nothing of a problem but just a symptom. Love is the real problem- love more. And if you love more, you will be loved more. And I am happy to be a leaner who is not obsessed with the food.

(At least I got a way to answer those who always talk about my weight!) 

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